MEDITATION: How to clean your rose-colored glasses.
Change is inevitable. And because it is inevitable, some aspects are predictable. Yes, there will be friction between the old and the new. But remember: friction creates traction. And like the car’s tires that use friction to not only steer clear from here, but to also get from here to there, you can leverage changes in your life to better your circumstances, as well as the lives of others. Along the way, destroying bad habits, bad thoughts, and bad karma is not a bad idea. Likewise, having rose-colored glasses is actually a good thing. Just remember: windshields, thoughts, and even rose-colored glasses eventually need cleaning. These next 10 Dares are essentially a step-by-step guide to proactively clean your rose-colored glasses throughout the day and week. Start, maintain, and end your day with these 10 practical steps to Clean Your Glasses:
Today, I dare you to clean your glasses with daily MEDITATION: The first 15 minutes of your day could be spent worrying about this, that, and the other. Or you could invest 15 minutes clearing your mind, and preparing to receive and fill-up on positive, optimistic, and confident thoughts. Meditation is not prayer (though you could actually speak to yourself, your spiritual deity, or whatever best invigorates your spirit). Meditation is a focused effort to clear your mind and facilitate a conscious awareness of the various aspects of your SELF. Here's a thought: You are NOT your thoughts. But sometimes we let our thoughts consume us. Meditation releases your thoughts and, more specifically, releases YOU from your thoughts. This release ultimately facilitates the subsequent illumination of your spirit. And when consistently practiced, meditation becomes a powerful ritual you can use to proactively launch very successful days. How? Using a timer or a watch, begin this deliberate process to clear your mind: simply set an alarm 5, 10, or 15 minutes into the future, and then mentally disappear into the universe behind your eyes, between your ears, and deep within your soul. And don't worry: READ MORE... |
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July 2024
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