Are we there yet? Reaching back to my previous I DARE YOU series, today, I'd like to follow up on yesterday's Two Little Words to SLOW DOWN by referencing something we all need to do. Have you ever coordinated a grand event like a spectacular wedding, an annual military ball, or a large regional or national conference? Such an event takes massive planning, tremendous work… and, in the end, sometimes it takes sheer willpower and a whole lot of negotiating the right way with the right people to get the job done the way you originally planned. In any event (that’s a pun), regardless of what happens – or what doesn’t happen – masterminding a major event requires an overall sense of commitment, communication, and, above all, an expert ability to focus intently on the issues… and yet quickly dial back your point of view, depending on the plan, the problem, and the people. Today, I bring you twos words: STOP HERE. For most people, the word “stop” simply means to cease the particular activity; to halt and discontinue all operations. The two-word title of yesterday’s e-note was “Slow Down.” And the main point of the e-note implied an almost fatalistic mentality. In fact, I wrapped up the e-note with these words: “We are where we need to be, when we need to be there. We’ll get there when we get there.” To be sure, those statements are true. However, they are far from fatalistic. Actually, I altered the e-note from Day 34 at the last minute (literally). My original texts under the Slow Down title are more about judging others than speed. In those writings, I discuss the ridiculous American tendency to judge people by their automobiles (this is not solely an American characteristic, but Americans have had a love affair with automobiles longer than any other country). Anyway, as the original writing on Slow Down states: I am dumbfounded at the number of people who get hellaciously angry while driving along the highway. It’s not just their anger; it’s the conversations I hear later. I have heard people jump to a few startling conclusions when it comes to who they think was driving the vehicle in front of them on the highway. Never mind the socio-economic and prejudiced overtones and underhanded remarks… What strikes me most is the sheer lunacy of “predicting” who the person is in the other car. It’s a Lexus; thus she must be a rich snob. It’s an eight-year-old SUV, so they must be (__________ fill in a description here). It’s a gold Ford Pinto… so he is probably (blah, blah, blah). I’ve actually overheard remarks like this at restaurants, cafés, car washes, and many places in between. Worse yet, on top of the judgmental stereotyping, road rage continues to be a problem in some areas of the country… including my beloved Aloha State. Just a couple years ago, shots rang out on the main highway here in Hawaii; someone was angry enough to shoot another driver. Wow. As startling as this may sound, there are far worse things happening every day, right in your very own personal space. All too often, we think we know people. We look at them every day and surmise this and assume that. We use the power of deduction to engage in acts of reduction… reducing our fellow soul mates to mere suppositions, beliefs, guesses, theories, and little hops of speculation until we can make the full jump to a conclusion. But like the vehicles on your highway and mine, this path we all walk is a mere freeway of forces far beyond our initial sensorial assessments. Indeed, there is so much than that which meets our blinded eyes. Our bodies are merely the vehicles our souls use to navigate this stony path along the mantle of earth’s crust. And like the much-maligned speed demons on the literal highways here and there, there will always (yes… always) be people who cut you off – on purpose - or simply by mistake. For some odd reason, we are most chagrined by those that do it on purpose. We can’t seem to understand why someone would do that to us (whatever that may be). Well, count your blessings if you can’t comprehend such behavior. Why? ...because if you could understand their behavior… you would likely be capable of the same type of behavior. As for those other people who slip into our lane accidentally (as well as those who really should speed up while in the fast lane), just remember that we have all fallen short of perfection… and we always will. And THIS, my friend, is the beauty of the highway of life: We are all going nowhere fast. But as fast as we try to get there… we will get there when we get there. If this sounds like mumbo jumbo, please bear with me for just a few more lines. Continuing with this sensationalistic allegory… may I politely remind you that, when you are driving your car, tuck, SUV, etc… no one else is driving that vehicle. Likewise, in these earthbound vehicles that we see each other in every day, no one else can control our respective vehicles. Actually, that last statement is not quite true; when driving your vehicle, there is actually a time when you can manipulate the direction of a vehicle that belongs to someone else. In real-world terms, police call this (manipulation of another vehicle while in your own respective vehicle) a wreck, a collision, a clash, and perhaps an accident. Accidents do happen. But when you try to control someone else’s life; that’s no accident. Of course, we can usually think of 312 reasons why we want someone else to do X, Y, or Z. But to get us going in the right direction, other people are going to need far more reasons than that! So what’s my point? Whenever you do something grand like coordinate a spectacular wedding, an annual military ball, or a large regional or national conference, you usually have a very specific plan. Interestingly, the same thing applies for the smaller tasks in life as well. Take, for example, a trip to the store. When you get in and start you car, you usually know where you are going. And, as such, there is absolutely no doubt that you will get to your destination. Say, for instance, you are headed out to pick up a gallon of milk. There is no uncertainty regarding the successful arrival at your destination. But what happens if and when you glance at the gas gauge and see that your vehicle needs more fuel. Does your milk run terminate? I think not. Moreover, what if, say, eight more side stops pop up along the way? Is the successful milk run in jeopardy yet? I think not. I think you left your home with a purpose. Today, I offer you an idea regarding a home you left a long time ago. You popped into your vehicle, left Home, and started travelling along this road in life. Along The Way, a few people cut you off here and there. Some people actually tried to run you off the road. And then there were those who stopped to help you when you needed a lift. There were those who filled you up when you need fuel for your soul. And there were those who tailgated YOU when you driving too slowly or too fast to even think of looking in your rearview mirror. Yes, for too long, you have been too busy driving, and too busy paying attention to traffic directors who really have no idea how to navigate the traffic around the soul that is within the vehicle called you. Today, I want you to slow down… slow all the way down and… S.T.O.P. I... I am. I am on purpose. As soon as you know your purpose, you will believe it. And as soon as you believe it, you will live it. And as soon as you live it, those other snarly drivers will have absolutely no control over you. As soon as you discover, define, and declare your purpose, you will be able to focus on the finish line. After considering who and what you are not, turn your total focus toward being the best that you are… and becoming the best that you can be. Don’t waste time, energy, or effort avoiding this, that, and the other. Race car drivers don’t avoid starting lines. They focus solely on The Finish Line. In case you haven't noticed, we are all headed to an eventual finish line. And though you are probably not a racecar driver, you are definitely on a journey that has already begun, and you are undeniably speeding toward the finish line. Accordingly, let’s re-design our lives with the end in mind. Focus your life-design efforts on the four parts of self that, when properly nurtured and fed, will surely lead you to the victory lane. Your mission for today: S.T.O.P. HERE! 1. Watch this video and listen to the words 2. Watch this video and relax: Aloha,
My purposeInspiring a worldwide community of optimistic realists. Archives
July 2024
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