Like the waves of the vast ocean before us, a whole year of successive days lies upon the horizon’s edge.
And like each wave that approaches the coast, each successive day will lash, crash, and smash into the shore of today… only to be followed by another… and then another… until we alone set ourselves upon our last approaching sunrise, awaiting our final sunset. As I look back upon this past year, I continue to heal from a few life-changing events. And through this process of healing, I have learned much. I have learned that… To heal is to not only accept, but also to embrace. To heal is to somehow make sense of something that seemingly makes absolutely no sense at all. To heal is to say goodbye to not only what was, but also what will never be. To heal is to say hello to an entirely different reality. So, in a very real way, to heal is to have a break with reality… the OLD reality. What WAS will never be again. What once COULD be… will never be. What once was, however, will ALWAYS be. I have learned that the past is as much of a gift as is the present. The memories, the moments, and the magic remain forever tucked away in the loft of my mind, waiting for those powerfully ponderous days when I gently untuck those momentous times, bring them into the light of today… and seek solace in what was as I take comfort in the beauty of it all: yesterday, today, and tomorrow. For all of it rests within the magic of me as I graciously meet each successive wave, each passing day, and every second that lies in between. As we approach yet another New Year, I ask you to join me in six small steps to the best year ever: Forgive. Focus. Find. Accept. Adapt. Achieve. ®
And this is where I leave you: to think. Please take a moment or two to think daily. Think about what you want to achieve, and then work your way backward.
And if you don’t know your purpose… Forgive. Focus. Find… and your purpose will find YOU! Accept. Adapt. Achieve. ® … and this will be your best year yet! Aloha ~ ~ John . © 2016 John H. Clark III. All rights reserved. . |
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